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On set with ESPN NFL Rookie Draft
The Black Revenger Movie Premiere
_michaeleasler8 is Mr
That’s a wrap for today
🚨🚨🚨Benjamin Diamond Model Mayhem pres
BenjaminDiamondFilm Model Mayhem 1 🔥💣
On set _theblackrevenger Coming Soon
Photo chris charleston1
BenjaminDiamondFilm on set filming _benj
Working on B roll just perfecting the cr
The Black Revenger writer, director, and
On set with _nieshastoneofficial and Aid
Great meeting _peterthomasrhoa at _cheministrypromo. Definitely checking out your new spot _clubonec
My ace _nivlekmedia on the grind with th
Great sit down  talking with _msbasketba
Building a brand that will last forever
New York New York, 🔝👀 Dream so BIG that it scares you to even look at it, but hungry enough to do
In Washington DC at the Clave
Working on a new series of superheros a collection of movies coming
Embrace the failure as well as the success. Success is the reward that it’s working. Failure is the
On set with the famous _purplecasper1911 mad respect thank you for your help in filming my new movie
Benjamin Diamond Film stopped in one of _demetriaadriane teaching session to get it on film.jpg 💯👊
Tommorow is our first day of shooting my new movie “Borderline” great group of people to work with
On set directing the new superhero collection with my first character called “Zyire” Photo by_ _mbsp
If you going to do it blow it up hold nothing back. Don’t be afraid just do it wide open smart. Set
Five fingers moving ten toes down. Ride with me
Snippet from the movie “M.I.A.” Produced by BenjaminDiamondFilm written and directed by _jboogie65
Youth leadership summit 2017 thank you Lexington SC for having me
Good time talking with Cloud 9 owner Dean and from Martin Lawerence Bruh man from the fifth floor Re
Sat down to talk about my favorite movie makers with ABC  News Kimberly Davis
At the wax museum scoping out areas for next film. Fun times
Great sit down with actress, author, and TV Personality _lillieyoung  Lillie Young “The Purple Cinde

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© 2021 Benjamin Diamond Film.


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